
Monday, May 15, 2006

Reservations at PG level ? Who came up with this foolish idea ?
I believe that reservations have a place but not at PG level and definitely not 50 % !!!
Look at the poor students of AIIMS , fasting for 16 days without any results ! And on top of that the officials carry out a lathi charge ! May I suggest that the police think for a moment as to who they are Lathi charging ? These are the students of AIIMS , would - be doctors of our country , the intelligentia . They are not the poor , illiterate farmers who believe in promises of color TV's and free power at election time . If anything were to happen to any one of them can they guarentee the replacement of such an invaluable brain ; Such hardworking persons who by sheer ability and will-power chose the difficult proffession of becoming a Doctor ?

Q : Where are the so-called Gandhians , the secular people of this country , the politicians who ask for votes on these very issues ? Why are they all mum ?

A: They are each waiting for the other to make the first move , so that they can then condemn the other . The so-called secular congress govt is so secular that it sees only the SC /ST 's of the country and none others . The BJP who carry the torch of Hidutva is afraid of saying anything in favour of the movement for fear of not getting any minority votes at all .

Where does it leave the hardworking student ? On the streets fainting of hunger for the cause they believe in , that's where .

Some of the arguments in favour of this law are as follows :

1. They (SC/ST's ) have been trodden underfoot for centuries and they must be given special preference / treatment now .

Yes , they have been trodden underfoot for centuries . Does that mean that they should now be given the opportunity to trod and trod heavily on those who centuries ago trod on them ? The aim should be to make downtrodding obsolete whether of the SC/ST's or of others .

2. It is very necessary to give them reservations because they do not have the financial support to reach PG level of studies .

Well , I can only say , they seem to have the necessary financial support to buy fake certificates and pay lakhs of rupees as donations to ensure a seat ! Look at Lalloo Prasad Yadav's daughter if you want one among the many examples !
If you put more reservations , then more people like Lalloo's daughter will become Doctors and more and more deserving candidates will be downtrodden , whether of SC/ST background or others .

3. A line most often repeated "There was reservation for SC/ST 's in the Constitution framed by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar who was himself of a lower caste and wanted their upliftment ".

Poor Dr . Ambedkar ! What a price to pay for framing the Constitution !
Had he been alive he would have been the first to eliminate reservations of all kinds , for ,
when he framed the Constitution , he was wise enough to see the need for reservations and
fifty (nearly sixty ) years after independence (maybe even before that ) he would have been wise enough to see the need for abolishment of all reservations .
He was definitely a man of vision and his vision for a Progressive India would not have included bad (or even worse , foolish )Doctors or Engineers or Government Officials who cause rather than treat diseases , who build bridges that fall down instead of staying put and who only believe in bribery and corruption instead of public service .

Upliftment of the SC/ST's :

There was a system in our society , it is true , which made an unfair distinction between the people of one strata of society and another .

Suggested Solutions :

1. Do not teach the SC/ST's to hate those who do not belong to their caste . Teach them instead to compete and compete fairly and win . It will definitely bring upliftment in their souls and remove the feeling of inferiority .

2. Keep reservations only upto school level . The way I see it , one who cannot pass his/her tenth standard exam can hardly be qualified to enter any Undergraduate course let alone a PG course !
If the student is exceptionally hardworking and deserving , by which I mean that he/she has truly cleared exams without cheating or using fake certificates , then make a provision for giving scholarship which covers the tuition fees of any college as well as the cost of books needed for that course . That is , provided he is offered the seat on passing a competitive exam like EAMCET or IAS , of course . For if he/she is really brilliant , he /she can do it without reservation .

3. Stop all reference to their being of SC/ST caste . By giving reservations you are only reminding them again and again of belonging to an inferior caste .
This in addition also makes them slothful , for , who needs to work hard if a seat is reserved for them irrespective of their performance ? And one who does not work hard can never succeed in any field .

4. Increase the number of seats in colleges so that even without reservation a really hardworking student (whether of SC/ST or other ) can go on to become the pride of our nation not on the basis of reservation but out of sheer ability .

Last of all a note to all those politicians who are busy stuffing their pockets glutinously with crores of rupees .
Ask the God residing within you , your conscience (if you have one left ) , whether you are truly bringing in this reservation law for the good of the downtrodden or for encouraging even more bribery or for making your own sons/daughters doctors/engineers ??
Spend a few of those crores on building better schools , hiring better and dedicated teachers , infrastructure and well stocked libraries .

Then there won't be any need for reservations !